Monday, March 18, 2013

The Beginning...

My inspiration to creating a business from home.

Hi everyone! I want to thank you for spotting me on the web; out of all the writers and links, you chose to click here to see what this site was all about. I'm starting this blog to share my experiences, my thoughts, my ideas, my ups, my downs and other endeavors I might encounter. I wanted a place where I can be me and everything I do can be in one place. If others find what I write interesting, then that's a plus! Being a busy stay-at-home mom, it helps to have a place where you can get your thoughts in order.

Do you ever feel sometimes that your brain is in chatter mode? It's as if there is a committee in your head analyzing your thoughts as they occur. Well, that's my head. I have one voice reiterating to me everything I need to get done for the day. Then another giving me ideas of crafts I can sell. Even another trying to give me ideas to organize my house and everything in it. So in result to all my thoughts soaking in my brain. I will vent them out to this site being my main one. Then I will create separate blogs for each niche I get involved in, with a deeper extent on it's specific subject.

Hope you stop back again and join me on my positive journey through life. I can't wait to share all my teed-bits with you! See you all next time.